Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fiery Crunch, KFC New Flavor

. Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fiery Crunch NEW!! Surprisingly Spicy!!....
Thats short sentence you will see if you visit any KFC in kuching now. Yea...new flavor, new ingredient, thats what they said, but..doesn't taste new for me. They said its hotter than spicy flavor.....na......for me its the same.

The difference i can see from the chicken is, when you look closely before you eat, there are spread grounded leaves on the chicken, i suppose thats the new ingredient that make it a little different from the look. That ingredient looks like curry leaves or something.

well...i think this flavor is only available in malaysia only or maybe in sarawak only, im not sure, i need someone from outside sarawak to confirm. Eniwei... how about the Spicy chiken? One of the KFC staff said, temporarily is taken place by the Fiery Crunch for 2 months, which means after two month Fiery crunch will replaced by the Spicy chicken.

How about if the consumers like the Fiery more than the Spicy? are they still going to replace it after Two months testing period?

Well.....We'll see.


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